Re: NCR: boy bands Re: scott thoughts(give him a break)

From: "Lee Reed" <creedyrn@HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Fri
27 Apr 2001 01:17:54 -0400

oh nikki, you poor deprived child mom-in-law took me to toronto for my 3?th birthday, to see the was indescribably awesome...and i've always been a fan of jesus christ superstar...imho, anything of andrew lloyd weber's would be a wonderful show to see...

----- Original Message -----
From: Nikki Rau
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: NCR: boy bands Re: scott thoughts(give him a break)

Thanks Tara, and you know what? I have never seen sad am I?? I love musicals and that one is one that I havent got around to seeing.


I have a question. What is the one thing that is completely out of our control? What has no face, no personality, no beginning and no end? What transcends all race, culture and language, and dictates our actions and keeps us nsync? Give up? Some have more, some have less. It all depends on what you decide to do with it. Everyone has the opportunity to shine. Everyone can have their moment in the spotlight. Others will have their time, but this is our time, the only difference, we're here to stay.

>From: "Tara"
>To: "Nikki Rau" ,
>Subject: Re: Re: NCR: boy bands Re: scott thoughts(give him a break)
>Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 04:31:06 -0400
>I understand what you're saying Nikki... like I said, I didn't know for sure about the lip synching, it just seemed like all the dancing would muffle their voices in a live performance. I still don't like NSync, because I just don't like that style of music, good voices or not. I do like some solo artists who are "just" singers (i.e. neither write nor play instruments), but usually it's people who sing more classical style music. My ex-husband is a singer (not professional, though I think he could be if he wanted to), and I like the style of music he used to perform in competitions... I'm too tired to think of how to classify it though. I think one of the best voices I've ever heard is Michael Crawford (Phantom of the Opera)... I have an old tape of him just singing things from Andrew Lloyd Webber, and the most impressive thing I've ever heard is his performance of "Gethsemane"... geez, I'm starting to ramble again. Should be a law against me posting when I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep, huh? lol

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