Rock Stars we've met

From: "creedtunesfan" <creedtunesfan@PEOPLEPC.COM>
Date: Wed
25 Apr 2001 18:26:59 -0400

I've met Eddie Van Halen, Sammy Hagar and some members of the group The Hooters but that was a long time ago.  I was leaning over the railing at one of the 5150 shows on the Eddie side and I noticed that he was smiling at me but I thought it was just my imagination.  A couple songs go by, the next thing I know he's waving to me to come over there.  I'm thinking surely he's not meaning me, so I turn around and look behind me and there isn't anyone else there.  By the time I turned around and looked at Eddie again he was laughing so hard he couldn't play.  LOL You had to be there I guess.   Anyway I had a great time chatting with them after the show. 
Oh yeah and I did briefly speak to Brett Micheals of Poison.
Keep Smiling