Oh my god, I actually got this one......whats' up with that?? LOL I've been subscribed to this newsletter forever and I think this is the first one I have got.
I have a question. What is the one thing that is completely out of our control? What has no face, no personality, no beginning and no end? What transcends all race, culture and language, and dictates our actions and keeps us nsync? Give up? Some have more, some have less. It all depends on what you decide to do with it. Everyone has the opportunity to shine. Everyone can have their moment in the spotlight. Others will have their time, but this is our time, the only difference, we're here to stay.
>From: Lee Reed
>Reply-To: Lee Reed
>Subject: Re: Windup Rock e-news 4-20
>Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 08:20:43 -0400
>----- Original Message -----
>From: WindupRock.com
>Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 5:33 PM
>To: creedyrn@HOTMAIL.COM
>Subject: Windup Rock e-news 4-20
>What's happening Rockers???
>This week at WindupRock.com - history is made as we give away a rare autographed 2-track EP and poster from boy hits car! And you are there! Well, actually, you are here, but if you click on WindupRock.com, you'll be there!
>We've been telling you about Drowning Pool for the past few weeks, and by now you've hopefully checked out their website and downloaded the great song "Bodies." Well, now you can see for yourself what a great band this is, by tuning into the Drowning Pool live webcast, this Sunday night 4/22 at 9pm Central time. See them now so you can say you saw them way back when!
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