thought this might cheer you all up

Date: Mon
23 Apr 2001 02:40:16 EDT

hey all,
was trying to post this to assorted bs. but didnt work. ill try again...
me and my kids where going for a drive one morning, it was very early. before
the sun came up... and i had a mixed tape ont taht i had recently made just
for the car.. theres this overlook called mount mitchell... in jersey. most
beauiful site! you can see new york from this point in jersey very as we pull up to the overlook the song with arms wide open comes
on...... the sun is rising and my little ones are watching the sun rise in
awe.....they loved the beauty of it... i got tears in my eyes just watching
them watch the sun come up.... it was sort of like when all three of them
were first born .... looking into thier eyes for the first time.......
kissing them for the first time..... not knowing if my little guy was going
be all right( he had to go into the nicu... he was a little premature and had
probs breathing) that song is soo true and is soo heartwarming too me..... it
makes me smile everytime i hear it.....and it also make me tear up