Odp: Scott Thoughts

From: "Agnieszka" <agiecreed@GO2.PL>
Date: Sun
22 Apr 2001 23:59:05 +0200

What's up with this "pyramid scam" ? Because I doubt I will watch Behind The Music with Creed here soon... Before I say anything, I think I haven't heard about this one. But I'm sure you remember this thing with a guy from this tatoo store or something too ...
----- Original Message -----
From: Cyber146@AOL.COM
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 11:13 PM
Subject: Scott Thoughts

Yeah, I'm a BIG Creed fan, but the more I hear about things that Scott had
done, the more I think that Scott's not too bright. Yes, Scott is a good
lyricist, but I mean, think about it. Two incidents come to mind. They are:

*the pyramid scam (see Behind the Music for more info)
*The brawl that happened only recently

I don't think you need me to explain any of this because you can think for
yourselves, but I'm wondering what you guys are thinking...


PS- Stupid question.... why did him and his wife get a divorce?