Re: NCR: Odp: RE: Pre'y Obvious

From: "Nikki Rau" <niknik_is_creedy@HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Mon
16 Apr 2001 22:51:54 -0500

My opinion on this subject, is who cares about religion, if the two people are in love, they can make it work, religion is only a small part. 


>From: Jackson Crawford
>Reply-To: Jackson Crawford
>Subject: NCR: Odp: RE: Pre'y Obvious
>Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 19:11:08 -0500
> Interesting question, Chris, but the truth is that, since I've never had a
>girlfriend, fiance, wife, etc., (or even a date, although I've tried about
>13 times this year alone) I really don't know jack about Christian-Atheist
>*relationships*, per se. However, I have had a friend named Meredith who for
>the longest time I had tried to get to become my girlfriend or whatever, but
>who had always refused because she wants to devote her entire existence to
>god. This, and my many good friendships throughout my life, have given me
>some insight in to the subject of Christian-Atheist *friendships*, though
>not necessarily *relationships*.
> What is really tricky is to balance that innate Atheist desire to tear
>religion to shreds with logic, with that innate Christian desire to save the
>infidel's soul. Now, as long as she's not bent on convincing you that there
>is no god, and so long as you're not absolutely convinced that she's going
>to go to hell for not believing, you should be able to live relatively
>happily together (as much as is possible anyway). You kind of have to look
>at it the way that a lot of my friends look at it: an atheist is not going
>to go to heaven or to hell because he doesn't believe that either exist in
>the first place. A Christian, who believes in heaven, and does everything in
>his power to ensure his place there, will go there. But a Christian that
>defies the principles considered necessary to go there (id est vocare -
>don't murder, don't steal, et cetera) will go to hell. Basically - what you
>don't believe in can't hurt you. But if you do believe in it, and yet you
>defy it, it will screw you. So 'tis a measure of faith and hypocrisy - as
>long as she doesn't believe in any god, there's no belief about which to be
>hypocrital, ergo no punishment for infidelity.
> Or, what should really be the simplest thing would be to leave religion
>out of the relationship entirely. As if that was possible (just wait til
>your first Sunday morning together, man, and you'll know what I mean...)
> Look, I'm not going to pretend to be of expert knowledge in a subject where
>I'm not, but I am, as always, just trying to help. I hope that I've been of
>some minor assistance at the least.
> Best of luck to you. As usual, have fun (whatever your religion, or lack
>thereof), and rock on!
>Jackson Wade Crawford - The Raven of Texas/ Corvvs Texanis
> Our Gracious Lord and Master To Whom All Praise and Money Are Rightly
>and Verily Due of the International Enchanting Swordsmen Rifts Campaign
> International Director, Corvist Association for the Preservation and
>Perpetuation of Free Will
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Chris H. []
>Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 4:57 PM
>To: Jackson Crawford
>Subject: Re: Pre'y Obvious
>my finace' is some what athiest and we are getting
> do we do that do you know?
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