Re: Into the Grain? Help

From: "Tara" <tknapp@TUCKER-USA.COM>
Date: Sat
14 Apr 2001 09:49:29 -0400

I remember some confusion about the "other Creed" happening a couple times in the past on this list... apparently, there was a band back in the 60s or 70s named Creed.  I guess they never made it very big, but there are a couple songs of theirs floating around out there... I seem to remember that song as being by the "other Creed", but I don't know for sure.  But I can pretty much guarantee it's NOT our Creed, if that helps any.  =)
----- Original Message -----
From: SylverGryphon3@AOL.COM
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2001 2:36 AM
Subject: Into the Grain? Help, please.

Hey Creedsters,

I was just wondering if someone out there can help me?  I found a song called
"Into the Grain" by Creed on Napster and downloaded it.  The thing is it
doesn't sound like Scott singing so I just want to know if this is actually a
Creed song and it's Mark that's singing or if someone got the wrong artist?  
Help please.


Charlie (Caroline)