Re: Clarification

From: "Lee Reed" <creedyrn@HOTMAIL.COM>
Date: Fri
6 Apr 2001 09:44:30 -0400

thanks for the clarification, jackson...i would have gotten around to asking the same thing, latin is pretty much limited to medical terms!LOL

----- Original Message -----
From: Jackson Crawford
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 7:55 PM
Subject: Clarification

        Well, I figured that someone might eventually ask that question, so let me
clarify the meaning of the Latin phrases in my signature...
        Memenis Alamonis - "Remember the Alamo"
        Memenis Goliadis - "Remember Goliad"
        Torque havd Texanem - "Don't Screw Texas"
        Texanis Respvblica Semper - "Long Live the Republic of Texas"
        Alacritas - spontaneity
        Volvntas - free will
        Nepenthes - nepenthe (banishment of worry, pain, anger, eagerness, etc.)
        Dvbivm - doubt
        Libertas - individualism
        Res - realism
        Vsvs - pragmatism
        Corvvs - raven/ Corvism (because the preceding seven are the seven Corvist

        I know that I don't usually send more than one email a day, but I figured
that this was something that required more immeadiate attention (lest
someone think that I was cursing him or whatever).

See ya'round, voo's!

Jackson Wade Crawford - The Raven
       Our Gracious Lord And Master To Whom All Praise And Money Are Rightly
And Verily Due of the International Enchanting Swordsmen Rifts Campaign
       International Director, Corvist Association for the Preservation and
Perpetuation of Free Will

Memenis Alamonis! Memenis Goliadis! Torqve havd Texanem! Texanis Respvblica

       "How else have you corrupted the great monuments with your
infinitesimal geometric skill, Pinky?"
       "Observe Brain, the great cubes of Egypt!"
       "Snake eyes! I smell a jihad."

alacritas, volvntas, nepenthes, dvbivm, libertas, res, vsvs, - CORVVS

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