Re: Whats this life for

From: <blue_skylight@JUNO.COM>
Date: Tue
3 Apr 2001 14:25:12 -0700

Hey, I thought it was the suicide thing too since Scott and Mark's friend commited suicide.  But ALL songs are open to interpretation, so the cancer thing could work too......

Hopper  (*_*)
"So far in a distant land
There's a fight between boy and man
See the light through the open door
Sit and watch as the young grow old."
On Mon, 2 Apr 2001 16:36:54 EDT "<Chris> <Hickey>" <Creed073@AOL.COM> writes:
HI Me and my friend were arguing over them Meaning of WTLF
I think it is about Teenage suicide
He thinks it is about kids with cancer
can any1 help us out