Re: NCR:Odp...

From: "Ross Johnson" <rossjohnson@ROSSJOHNSON.FREESERVE.CO.UK>
Date: Mon
2 Apr 2001 17:49:44 +0100

---- Original Message -----
From: Agnieszka

Chris ! Ross explained perfectly what does "odp" mean, so I don't have anything to add.It's because my Outlook is in Polish. Ross has probably some hidden abilities when it comes to foreign languages,lol...
lol, hardly....i just know a couple of words here and there, honest!
And about this Collective Soul topic - they were in Morocco doing some acoustic performance and I gave a link when you can listen to those performed songs in inetrnet.
talking about that, Miss Collective Soul (aka Kelly) says hi to ya Agie...
Mr Mungo, bad day today