Re: test

From: "Kristin" <bluzgrrl@ALLTEL.NET>
Date: Mon
2 Apr 2001 23:04:35 -0500

Thanks, Lee!  I really hope that I am officially "on" now :)  I did see one of my posts go thru after turning on that REPRO thing.. lol
WOOHOO, it looks like I'm back, for awhile.. :)
Thanks again for all your help, Lee!
Kristin :)  (and yayyyyy, I'm actually feeling like a newlywed.. more in love than ever.. (sorry for the sappiness.. lol)
----- Original Message -----
From: Lee Reed
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: test, ignore

just thought i'd let you all know, kristin has been having troubles with the new server...i hooked her up with ed, but i thought i'd let you all know she's not ignoring us...or so she says, know how 'newlyweds' are!LOL...just teasing you kristin!