Good morning to you too. Fortunately
I don't have insomnia, it's almost half 1 p.m. here in Poland :) Anyway I don't
think I have BCR CD, but I have no idea what's that - maybe Boy Cleans Robe, lol
j/k? Forgive me, just curious...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 3:07 PM
Subject: Just a Topic or 2
> Once again i've survived another night of Insomnia... just
curious, anyone
> else on this list a fellow Insomniac? its 6
am now, good morning everyone
> and have an excellent Sunday... oh
and yeah, is anyone here an owner of a
> BCR CD? if ya are willing
to sell? ive got bids on 4 owners now,
> ~~Isaac~~
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