Re: Command confirmation request (7B67D7BE)

From: <blue_skylight@JUNO.COM>
Date: Thu
29 Mar 2001 17:45:08 -0800

Ok, Thanks Tara!  That is a great idea that it now sends a confirm, so the person's games go unnoticed now.  :)  I was wondering why they were doing that and not confirming it, seemed pretty dumb.  :)  Thanks for the info!
Hopper  (*_*)
*Gets paranoid over the littlest things when it comes to e-mail!  :)  Had my old account broken into a few times.  <:o  *
On Thu, 29 Mar 2001 16:07:39 -0500 "Tara" <> writes:
The person who's sending in the unsubscribe requests is most likely doing it through the webpage form at  On that form, all a person does is enter the e-mail address, the list, and the command.  No password is needed, because your e-mail isn't accessed.  I would assume it just reads your e-mail address and the command.  Luckily, Ed changed it so that the e-mail address requesting the unsub request now has to confirm it before it takes effect.  No reason to be paranoid, it's just someone playing games.  They don't have access to your e-mail, otherwise they probably would have confirmed the request through your account.  No need to be paranoid.  =)