Re: My long-ass review of Auburn Hills

From: <Shell696@CS.COM>
Date: Tue
12 Feb 2002 17:35:03 EST

No, it wasn't and I didn't ask for the grammar lesson but thanks anyway.


In a message dated 2/12/2002 5:34:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, keith@DEBBIR.COM writes:

Absolutely.  If she hadn’t, I would have.

WHY is it so hard to understand that “would/could/should OF” makes NO SENSE?

A simple grammar lesson:  Drop the would/could/should and say the rest of the thought that accompanies your “of”.

“I (would/could/should) OF cried.”  Does that make ANY sense to you?  Now put the RIGHT word in there, HAVE:

“I (would/could/should) HAVE cried.”  THAT sentence stands as a grammatically correct sentence, even without the would/could/should.