Re: Creed concert Palace in Michigan

From: "Verrronica Smith" <Verrronica@AOL.COM>
Date: Tue
12 Feb 2002 11:18:03 EST

In a message dated 2/12/02 10:13:37 AM Eastern Standard Time, jearles@BERKSHIRE.RR.COM writes:

What exactly is a "higher chick"? One who only dances to the song, "Higher" or was she higher than anyone else there? Was she exceptionally tall? Come on, work with me here.....

 Higher Chicks....slutty chicks that go to Creed concerts dressed like they're going to a freaking rave, thinking the clothes will get them backstage...they only discovered the band thru the Higher video...they only know the songs with video's, they only got into the band because they think Stapp is hot.  They try to push their way up to the rail, in front of "real" fans, when Higher (and now WAWO and My Sacrifice) are being played, and think those of us who stood in line for 8 hours to be on the rail should let them up there BECAUSE they're Higher Chicks!  Higher Chicks suck!