Re: Creed Quest Question

From: "Laura Sallis" <HappyGirldln@AOL.COM>
Date: Tue
29 Jan 2002 00:42:59 EST

I will try to find some answers for you and get back to ya.

lisa  giving Laura a big hug cause it sounds like she could use one

Thanks Lisa!  You know just what I need!  *hugging Lisa back*
I certainly don't want to come off like I'm just trying to get answers out of any of you, b/c I'm not.  Actually I was doing pretty good there for a little while.  I just have a pretty hectic schedule right now (not that I think any of you aren't busy too) and this game has me completely intrigued, plus (this is the real bad part) I'm not real good with computers yet.  I get the basics, but I still have not figured out how to do a good search on the web.  So if any of you just have some tips for me, or could point me in the right direction (as many of you have-thanks Scott and Lee) I would really appreciate it ( as far as search engines, etc)  So that's my hang up with this game, I know Creed, I know there lyrics, I know their history....I'm just not good on a computer.  So thank you to everyone who has been so kind to me, it's very much appreciated!   :)