In a message dated 1/27/2002 5:56:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, VCreed81@AOL.COM writes:
i dunno i think t6hat MOP is tn times better than HC
I used to always say that I liked Human Clay better than MOP, but now that Weathered is out, I must say that I don't think I can pick a favorite out of the three. I think that they are all great albums, and I think that my mood determines my favorite at the time. On MOP, there was only one song that I didn't like. On Human Clay, there were two. On Weathered, there are three. It's kind've a weird pattern going on, I must say. Anyhow, even though there are 3 songs that I am not that fond of on Weathered, the songs that I do like, I like as much and maybe even more than the songs I like on the other two albums. I definitely feel that this album's strong points can be found in the music as opposed to the lyrics. I think that the lyrics on MOP are stronger than the music, and I think that Human Clay is pretty equal with the music and lyrics.