Re: To better clarify myself

From: "Michele Arnold" <shanesmy10@YAHOO.COM>
Date: Sat
26 Jan 2002 18:32:12 -0800

 Reading this reminded me of the movie "Footloose" and how well done Kevin Bacon did his roll and Jon Lithgow as the strict parent about music.....i'm a Catholic but not a religious person so i'm not bothered by anything that is said about religion on the list.....just amazed at how active the convo's are about it!:) You did good Laura.........Esp the last two lines:)

  Laura Sallis <HappyGirldln@AOL.COM> wrote:

Last night I made the remark about organized religion and couldn't everyone (a certain someone on this list) just chill out?  As I stated before I was raised in a strict Catholic family, and for two years dated a guy who was Pentecostal, it was someone I had known my whole life, yet religion totally screwed him up.  It actually came down to one week we could be together but the next week we couldn't b/c he wasn't sure how God felt about this.  He turned major weird on me, and I just hate to see stuff like that happen to people, everyone at that church thought I was horrible b/c I listened to secular music, they felt you should only listen to christian music, dance only for the Lord, and so on.  My then boyfriend even went so far as to only watch Christian sports.  I'm sorry, but does anyone else think this is nuts??  It always makes me think about how Stapp talked about being 6 and debating the whole Heaven vs. Hell, good vs. evil thing.  That's how my life was too, I just believe that spirituality is very personal, and no one should push their beliefs on anyone else.  I  believe that ANYTHING is bad in excess, including religion.  So, yes, I believe in and pray to God.  I believe there was a Jesus.  I just don't believe in religion, it's what screws people up.  So sorry for the long post, I just wanted to clarify myself.

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