I haven't read any of the million posts that hit my mail box last night because I have found from previous exp. that what I saw last night is usually a direct result of one person coming in and saying one thing that got every other person in frenzy. Now I read this one and I agree with it. After a while the responses are irrational and childish and have absolutely nothing to do with creed. Someone said once during one of these fiascoes "What would Creed think if they came on and saw this kind of stuff?" What kind of true fans would we be then? I am not on this list to bash anyone. Heck, I don't even post but rarely. I usually just read what I can on creed the rest is just idle chatter which is fine but like the author of this email I am responding to says, I don't like wasting my time deleting 300+ emails. I also don't want to unsubscribe because I have gotten a lot of info. So please from one Creed fan to the rest of you whether Creed fans or not, please keep the fights and insults private. Thankyou to anyone who reads this.