From: "Michele Arnold" <shanesmy10@YAHOO.COM> To: <CREED-DISCUSS@WINDUPLIST.COM> Date: Sat 5 Jan 2002 18:03:23 -0800 |
ROTFLMAO........i have to laugh cause i knew you would say something about caffine!:) heh......they always think i'm long winded on other lists when i let it rip:) Also i'm so glad someone said something to me about the embedded stuff cause i had NO CLUE, none whatsoever that when i was getting those mail delivery things back it was cause of me putting roses and smilie faces in......i wasn't even thinkin of those as embedded stuff!!!:) So sorry gang, first time to be on a list thru this email, my normal email has enough action!:) About letting it rip, i was on a BSB list.....but that was full of teens and i can tell this list has a variety so i'm glad about that!:) YAY i'm getting INFO:) I just got info on Nickelback so this is great to get stuff on CreedO:) I can tell they are both in the same ages group!:) ALL STILL YOUNGER THAN MEEEEEEEEE *screams* LMAO!!!!!! Sorry about the SP thing, yep i was talkin about Scott, have no idea why i didn't say SS, good girl that you knew!:) O that's right there's another Scott in the band, so yep i can see you using the Stapp part, i just think that is the most unusual last name i have ever seen!!!! I almost want to say STOPP lmaoo........MARK IS BRUTUS LMAO!!!!!!!!!! That's funny!!!!! Scottie, Brutus and Flip huh???? Funny!:) Yeah i too wasn't a part of the Woodstalk of old!!! Didn't go the one of new either!!! How funny that most in the band including the ex member are all in the 28 zone!:) ALSO how odd is it that the one that got the name going is gone!!!!! Thanks for the tip girl on ages and does seem odd to see only 3 members of the band.......Yeah i am glad to hear about the Groupie thing.....i tend to be happy as hell when i meet my famous people, and yes i'll drool but usually they can't tell cause either i'm chatty or they can tell and don't let on that i'm tryin to hide it heheehee......i do know the etiquette of the agressive fans like i've met in the world of wrestling, some crazy people out there.....that's why i was like hopin some of the bands didn't have to deal with it, tho i'm sure there are a few that make them go "damn is she hyper or what" hehe.....It's good to know they had g/f's, tho Scottie probably still needs to get one!:) You never know about the Born Again Christians.......cause Sting the wrestler is one and he was known to look down on that sleepin around stuff, esp when married, so i get a feeling ole Scottie is probably a good boy, who knows tho as you said he's not married or anything!:) Man i'd have some good questions:) hehe........YOU WOULD KICK THEIR ASS she said LMAO!!!!!!!!!:) Too funny, you probably would hehehe.....thanks for the tip on Brett and i'll definately GET THE FIRST CD!!!:) I bet i know some of the songs, but i didn't know who they were!:) Thanks girl.......lemme see if i find another.........O yeah what's Stapp's childs' name???????:) heheehehe
Verrronica Smith <Verrronica@AOL.COM> wrote:
Hey Michele....
first of all.....cut down on the caffiene intake and take a deep breathe!
Second.....I have a favor to ask of you. Could you please not use the smiley faces in your list mail. Several of the list members have their mail settings to not receive embedded images in their mail, which means I get a mailer deamon messege for each one of them everytime I respond to one of your posts. Thanks in advance for that.
Now, on to the Creed stuff. When you say SP I'm assuming you mean Scott Stapp....even though I would think you'd use SS for short. Most of us just call him Stapp, so as not to confuse him with Scottie Phillips....although we usually call him Flip....his nickname. By the way, they all have nicknames. Stapp is sometimes called Scottie, but I personally hate that nickname for him.....Mark is Brutus or True, and Flip is of course, Flip.
I was referring to Woodstock 99. I am older than you, but not old enough to have been at the first Woodstock, and of course Stapp wasn't even born yet, so no...Creed didn't play there.
Stapp is 28 years old, born August 8th, 1973. Mark is 27, born April April 18th, 1974 and Flip is also 28, born February 22, 1973. Their former bassist, Brian Marshall is actually the one who came up with the name Creed for the band. He used to be in a band called Maddox Creed, and they liked the Creed part. He's currently in a new band called Grand Luxx. By the way, his nickname was Willy, he's also 28, born on April 24, 1973. And there are those of us who consider Creed incomplete without him.
As for groupies.....ahh....No, they're not into them. Well at least Mark and Flip are not. They both are involved with long time girlfriends. Some people believe that Flip is married, however, I've heard this is a rumor. At anyrate, Stapp was never into the groupie scene before, during his marriage, or shortly thereafter....however I can't speak for him now that's he's single....who knows, maybe he likes groupies. As for liking the giggly fans....again, who knows. Whenever I saw them interact with fans, no one was giggly. They seemed to like the honest people, the ones who asked intriguing questions, not the ones that drooled all over them. But it's been a while since I've seen them, hard to say what they're into now. Hopefully not groupies though....I'd have to kick some ass if I saw that....both theirs, and the groupies!
Scott writes the song lyrics....Mark writes the guitar parts and occasionally some of the lyrics....very few though. He's the backup vocalist. At least he was until they started bringing Brett out on tour with them. That would be Brett Hestla, singer and guitarist for the band Virgos. He's a good friend of theirs and was their touring bassist since Brian left the band in August of 2000......Brett now does the backing vocals, which I think sucks.
You haven't heard true Creed until you've heard the My Own Prison album. Do yourself a favor and buy it ASAP. The first album is and always will be their best album.
Any other questions?
In a message dated 1/5/02 3:18:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, shanesmy10@YAHOO.COM writes:
WELL WELL i'm so glad that i talked to Laura last night *Girl i found out that my D drive was deleted from Uncle and i'm going to kill him cause pics i scanned of me with the wrestlers were on that, he's a dead man* lmaoo.......but so glad i talked to her cause she said that V is like ole pro with Creed Knowledge and going to meet & chat with them stuff.......hey V how old are ya???? You have to be older than me, 35, cause you said well as maybe a few others on this list having alotta knowledge about em!:) Now i'm all wanting to hear SP sing like JM lmaoo.......or i'm thinkin of Val again *as in Kilmer* who played him lmao........She said sounded and acted like him lmao.....i kinda saw the acting like him on the awards when Kelsey Grammer announced them outside!:) Was really my first time to see them in a concert way.......mainly see them from Videos.........ok WIZ are some questions that i know probably would be in the FAQ, but i wanna see HOWWWWWWW GOOD you guys are on this list are my questions..........what are the ages of the guys, do they love all fans meaning if you meet them and are calm or giggly do they get a kick outta it, sometimes they say stars get like woah if someone is too giggly lmaoo.......or too excited:) :) :) Know that from meeting the wrestlers of the WWF on how i act or see others act!:) Which do they prefer, a beamin smilin face all calm hehehe, or going "AHHHHHHHH" heheh........cracks up cause it shouldn't matter!:) O and Laura filled me in on the first CD they did.....on stuff going on with SP!:( No wonder he can write so good!:) IS he the only writter or do the others pitch in???? Lemme see.....what made them name themselves CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED lmaooo........gotta get that CD:) I was never a massive Doors fan but love some of the music and thought that movie was excellent tho felt like i was on drugs lmaooo........with the stuff going on in that heh........OHHHHHH I know i asked Laura if they are the same type of band that has a set of groupies........their f buddies cause i know the wrestlers do and several other bands do or as Laura said are they gems and don't do that stuff???? In wrestling they call em Ring Rats..........but i was a good girl with them *Smiles*:)tho they tempted me hehehe.......Or are you talkin about Woodstalk part 2????????? lmaoo........I remember seeing Scott accept an award on some show and he looked so cute and humble when accepting it and arms in the air like "Weeeeeeeeee" to the fans hehehe........classsyyyyyyy hehe:) My god did i write a novella heheh!!!!!!! VERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRONICA is gonna have a field day with me hehehe!!!!!!!!!:) Thanks in advance hehe:) I just talked to my cousin and she said that the video for "My Sacrifice" is good but she doesn't like the part about him comin outta the water.........she said it scared her.....lolololol.......probably cause of the doubleness!!! LOLOL.................but she did say "mmmmmmmmm" lmaooo..........*giggles*:) Cyaaaaaaaaaaaaa