From: "Michele Arnold" <shanesmy10@YAHOO.COM> To: <CREED-DISCUSS@WINDUPLIST.COM> Date: Fri 4 Jan 2002 22:33:31 -0800 |
Thanks for the info Jim and Laura did give me quite alotta info!:) heheh........mostly of what you had said about his high admiration for Jim Morrison and so on!:) Stapp doesn't looks like he'd be into drugs like Morrison was, better head on his shoulders in that respect.......I saw the Movie with Val Kilmer and damn he looked more like Morrison than i thought Stapp did!!!! Was a good movie......Val did it perfectly!:) But from afar Stapps looks like him, his eyes are bigger when you get closer sooo........that is a riot tho.......When you get closer for some reason i think of Eddie Money........lolololol.......ok so why did i have my first dream of Stapp last night and i can't remember what he did ROTFLMAO!!!!!:) :) :) :)
Creed - 7M3 - Live <creed7m3live@COLUMBUS.RR.COM> wrote:
The relation to Jim Morrison and Scott Stapp has a lot to do with the start of the band. Scott was in high admiration of Jim Morrison. He read a book about Jim Morrison and decided to move to Tallahassee (SP?). Which is where Jim Morrison started out also.
I seem to remember something about Scott thinking that he is a re-incarnate of Jim Morrison. I believe it was a rumor that went around. But maybe someone else can recall an interview or something that claims the reincarnation thing.
Creed did a song on the tribute album for the Doors called "Stoned Immaculate". The song that Creed performed was Riders on The Storm.
The tribute album has STP, Train, Smash Mouth, Days Of The New, Aerosmith and other bands performing the songs. i'm not too fond of the album. But if you want a lot of Creed things. It is an album that you might want to check out.
Creed is on the soundtrack of Scream 3 and The Faculty also.
Hopefully, someone will be able to give you a more accurate breakdown of the Creed and Doors connection.
A few of the listers went to the latest Woodstock event. They might be able to let you know about Rob and his part when Creed played at Woodstock/
Michele Arnold wrote:
This is o so funny cause i was just thinkin this that day about Morrison and the video and here you say he's done some Doors Tunes........when did he cover that stuff????? Or did you hear him in a bar or somethin????????:) :) :)
Verrronica Smith <Verrronica@AOL.COM> wrote:
The Higher video is the vid that VH1 did pop-up video of the pop-ups said that he insisted on many 'christlike pose' shots.
Scott does do an impressive Jim Morrison, when he's covering Doors tunes.
In a message dated 1/3/02 8:23:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, shanesmy10@YAHOO.COM writes:
Must ask this one lmao........which video is the one about the Christlike poses???????? For My Sacrifice or Arms wide Open or Higher?????? LMAO................i first noticed Scott from Higher after hearing it on the radio and seeing the Video finally i went WTF lmaoo.......i see this man who could have from a bit of a distance look like Jim Morrison and i was like WOAH when i saw more of him heheh:) *Drools* Oops sorry didn't have my drool rag was at the part before they were walkin down the hall or when out doing the singing stuff lmao!!!!!!! The Boy is so fine favorite parts of the My Sacrifice video is when he's on the boat and he pulls himself out to lay side by side *very odd*, when the Drummer is splashin fast and also when ! the kids eyes change:) heheh....o and i love the bus part:) :) Can't wait to see this ditty about POP UP video heheh........
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